Knihy > História > Memoáre a biografie > We are Children Just the Same

We are Children Just the Same

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Počet stránPočet strán:208
Rozmery - šírkaRozmery:210
Rozmery - výškaRozmery:280

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Vedem, the Secret Magazine by the Boys of Terezín

From 1942 to 1944, a group of 13- to 15-year-old Jewish boys secretly produced a weekly magazine called Vedem (In the Lead) at the model concentration camp, Theresienstadt ("Terezín" in Czech). The writers, artists and editors put together the issues and copied them by hand behind the blackout shades of their cellblock, with they affectionately called the "Republic of Shkid".

The material was saved by one of the handful of boys who survived the Holocaust, but it was suppressed for fifty years in Czechoslovakia. Now, these works are being published in English, Czech and German.


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